Sunday School Lesson

Deception and Division
An article by Cedric Fisher
Posted by Joey Kelly

One of the marks of the last days is great division (Matthew 10). I believe that we are now seeing that division in full force. Deception in its many heretical forms has fragmented Christianity into many groups, each with its own belief system. Further, there is a large and increasing number of autonomous individuals, each with their own belief system. The tenets of their belief systems are non-negotiable. If you disagree, you are the enemy.

In many cases there is actual unity or at least a tentative truce between deceived factions. However, one group they will challenge and even hate are the truth speakers from God's Remnant. Deception can tolerate deception, but will not tolerate God's truth. Truth to the deceived ones is what they declare as truth. Therefore, God's truth is as poison to them and a stench to their spirit's.

Christ is not responsible for the time of division occurring in the sense that He wished it to be and participated in its advent. The fact is, they are divided because soteriology, christology, ecclesiology, eschatology, have all been invaded and perverted by heresy. That puts Christ Jesus at odds with the many false christs created by heresy. Consequently, His followers are despised and rejected.

Further, there is at the moment a sharp and brutal division due over political differences. I have never seen anything like this. It was truly amazing to witness this dark cloud of satanic division form. Individuals rejected longtime friends as if they were moral enemies. Families and churches are dividing. People are rejecting as riffraff pastors and other godly individuals. And then there is the Internet. What can I say about the Internet that everyone does not already know. It has become a massive field of poisonous briers. The hatred and sheer wickedness that is espoused at the slightest provocation is astounding.

In spite of the massive rejection of truth, God's mercy mandates that truth and warnings continue until the eternal door is closed. At that point, millions of people will be consigned to eternal darkness. Every attempt will be made to turn them back to God's truth and light. It will be the most difficult period to endure and overcome. Our only hope to survive is to continue in the things of God unwavering, and reject every new thing.