
Young People And Old Pentecost
Submitted by John Kilough
Posted by Joey Kelly

I have been told on several occasions, by very influential people, that young people are not going to put up with doing church the way we have in the past. Now we have a great group of young people and young adults at Angle Lake Neighborhood Church and they are used to being in a Pentecostal service, but I was very blessed to see them respond to the altar call this past Sunday after Jason Stidham preached a very anointed and Pentecostal sermon.

There was one young lady who had informed her parents that she was now gay and did not believe in God any longer. We have been loving on her and encouraging her. Even though she told her parents she didn't want to come to church any longer, they told her she had to come. This past Sunday as I was praying for people at the altar, there she was, with her hands raised, praising Jesus. In fact, all our young people and young adults were at the altar pressing in for more of God.

Young people will not put up with Pentecostal services any longer? Someone should let the Holy Spirit know. What foolishness we have allowed to come into our midst. Oh, by the way, The father of that young lady has been seeking the baptism in the Holy Spirit… wellm he spoke in tongues for the first time as the Holy Spirit baptized him Sunday night. Praise the Lord!

My friends, we must not give in to the postmodern stinking thinking that says we must look like the world, talk like the world, promote relationships as the only way to touch hearts and lives, water down the Word of God, or change the way we have church in order to reach the world. I tell you right now that God can transcend all ages, time, and traditions to change the hearts of people. We desperately need revival in our church today. Come Holy Spirit, we need Thee!