
Filled And Later Healed
Submitted by Doyle Glynn Jones
Posted by Joey Kelly

Sometimes an evangelist has no idea what happened in a service where he preached. Evangelist Kerry Doucet shared the following powerful testimony with me at the Acts 6:4 conference and sent me a photo of his son, Joshua.

"Bro Doyle, This is my son, Joshua Doucet. At the age of twelve, we were in attendance in a service where you preached a message on the Baptism in the Holy Spirit and he went up and received it, with initial physical evidence of speaking in tongues.

A couple of years later, we attended another of your services where you spoke on healing. At that service, he was dealing with a fractured wrist, which was in a brace. When you prayed for him, he felt a warm feeling in his arm. The next week, he went to the physician and his wrist was totally healed. Today, he is a healthy twenty year old who serves the Lord, preaches every opportunity he gets, ministers in music for the Lord, and continues to be a spirit filled believer! God bless you for your service and to God be the glory!"

Thank God for His faithfulness. It is testimonies like this one that makes all evangelists know that it is worth it to travel thousands of miles to obey the calling of God on all of our lives.