
Hearing About Service Unto the Lord at Louisiana School of Ministry
Submitted by Denise Williams.
Posted by Joey Kelly

I am so grateful, for LaSOM, every office personnel, those who clean and those who cook, the grounds keeper, the students, the faculty and all of the staff who make it possible for me to learn, ask questions, make comments, and every now and then allow for the time of reasoning where emotions surface and people stick and stand by their views, in the end, God's Word settles the opinions.

When I sit listening to my instructor, I am riveted, in his travels I am there with him as he talks about the conflicts, the churches planted, the hunger of the believers, the times of wanting to resign pastor-ship, about being torn as to which area he and his bride are needed the most, the areas that tug their hearts. When I hear the passion in his voice and the tenderness of his heart I find myself saying yes this is what I want, this is how I wish to serve, all for The One who loves me so very much, to be equipped to serve those who are searching in all the wrong places. I am grateful for the time my instructors put into studies and drive home truths and never get wearied by the questions. I have been and continue to be blessed. The worship this past Friday was a sacred kiss from almighty God.

Thank you for all that you do worship leaders and technicians. This Family called LaSOM holds a dear place in my heart… I love you all.