
Trusting God To Lead Us When We Cannot See The Way
Submitted by Bill Moore
Posted by Joey Kelly

I have something to share that might be an encouragement to someone . . .

More than once in Africa, I have been led down a trail in the dark hours of the night not having an idea where I was going or what lay ahead of me. I did not know the trail, the twists and turns, or if there were things in the way. But what I did know was that the person I was following, often an old pastor, had been down the trail many times and knew all about the trail, and knew where it led. I was not afraid, because I had trust in that person leading me.

In life, there are times where I do not know where I am going or what lies on the trail ahead, but I do know the one who is leading me, and I know he knows where he is taking me and I simply trust in him.

If you are in a situation not knowing where you are headed or where the trail may lead, just trust in the one who leads you and know he will lead you to that place you need to be! No matter how dark it may seem, no matter how little you know what is ahead, no matter if you really know nothing-trust the one who leads you!